In this lesson, students learn about algorithms and AI, how they work, how they impact our lives on the internet, and ethical considerations. The lesson begins with a class discussion on algorithms.
The Digital Citizenship Guide for Parents is designed to prepare parents and guardians for the conversations they should have with their children when they first start using digital devices. The guide ...
You just gave your kid a new smartphone, tablet or computer and they are beyond excited – but how can you make sure they’re using it wisely? MediaSmarts’ research has shown that kids with rules in the ...
In this lesson, students discuss “viral” photos, videos and news stories that spread via social media. They are shown how challenging it is to authenticate these using only their content and are ...
Understanding what kids are doing on social networks can be challenging – even if parents are on many of the same platforms. Kids use a variety of sites and platforms for a variety of reasons making ...
Adolescence is a period of great change. It’s a stage where teenagers, once dependent on their families, are now becoming more independent and taking steps towards adulthood. This is also when teens ...
“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting its shoes on.” (attributed, wrongly, to Mark Twain) The Internet may be the greatest information technology ever developed: ...
It is difficult to set down in a definitive way what effect media violence has on consumers and young people. There are a number of reasons for this, but the main issue is that terms like “violence” ...
Our games are a great, interactive way to start a conversation on media issues at home and sharpen your media and digital literacy skills as a family. Our guides offer information and practical tips ...
MediaSmarts has been developing digital media literacy programs and resources for Canadian homes, schools and communities since 1996. Our work falls into three main areas: education, public awareness, ...
Most of what we do online falls into one of three categories: Talk, Shop and Play. There are risks associated with all these activities that consumers need to be aware of so they can take the ...
MediaSmarts conducted a survey of 1,000 youth ages 12 to 16 years old to better understand their attitudes and experiences with casual prejudice online; specifically, the motivations and external ...