【来源】药材基源:为伞形科植物孜然芹的果实。[br]拉丁植物动物矿物名:Cuminum cyminum L.[br]采收和储藏:5月果熟时,将植株收回,晒干,除去杂种,留取果实备用。 【原形态】一年生或二年生草本,高20-40cm。全株(除果实外)光滑无毛。叶柄长1-2cm,有狭 ...
【来源】药材基源:为五加科植物红毛五加的茎皮或根皮。[br]拉丁植物动物矿物名:Acanthopanax giraldii Harms[A.giraldii Harms var.inermis Harms et Rehd.; Elutherococcus gi-raldii (Harms)Nakai][br]采收和储藏:6-7月间,砍下茎枝,用木棒敲打,使木部与皮部分离,剥取茎皮晒干。 【原 ...
The main bioactive components of agarwood, derived from Aquilaria sinensis, include sesquiterpenes, 2-(2-phenethyl) chromone derivatives, aromatic compounds, and fatty acids, which typically exert ...
Essentially, its smell and taste come from two chemicals: syringol and guaiacol, respectively. They don't stick around long, though, and when they evaporate, so do some of the best aspects of ...
Our aim is to find two binders with a robust affinity for smoke-tainted contaminants, such as cresol and syringol, that act as the biosensor's receptor. The wine industry, an integral component of ...
Ardbeg Grooves was released in celebration of Ardbeg Day 2018, and as ever, the Islay-based distillers have created a most intriguing expression. Part of the whisky that makes up Grooves was matured ...