When it takes years before cases come to trial, 12 months or more to see a medical specialist, or 15 hours to be seen at A&E – it’s no exaggeration to ...
It sought to achieve this by making a number of ‘stability promises’: committing to the Conservatives’ fiscal rule which ...
First, raising tax revenues to sustain the government spending needed to restore core public services and launch new ...
The year 2024 is undoubtedly the year of elections. But while some have been concerned that these elections across the world ...
Politicians and commentators have raised the prospect of freezing or reducing the energy price cap this October to help shield households from the impacts of rising energy costs. Less explored has ...
An insight into why we might privilege social justice, over criminal justice Prison does not only impact and harm those who are directly locked up; prisons affect all of us. Yet many of us don’t ...
One-half of adults in this country voted at the 2024 general election, the lowest share of the population to vote since universal suffrage. This report takes a first look at who spoke in the 2024 UK ...
IPPR accelerates progress through ideas, analysis, and public dialogue. Our work provides insight into the challenges facing UK society, and impactful, workable policies.
Automation will produce significant productivity gains that will reshape specific sectors and occupations. These gains are likely to be recirculated, with jobs reallocated rather than eliminated, ...
In recent years, there has been an increasing focus on the need to improve the technical education system in England. Successive governments have recognised the importance of a high-quality technical ...
The climate crisis, and the response to it, present opportunities for communities in the UK as well as threats. The threats that communities face range from the impacts of the climate crisis itself ...
Technological change is a good thing. It has brought exponential gains to living standards and is the foundation of modern society. Yet unmanaged technological change has always come with risks and ...