Investopedia / Michela Buttignol The supertrend indicator is a technical analysis tool designed to help investors identify market trends. Developed by Olivier Seban in 2009, this indicator has ...
Indicators are substances that change colour when they are added to acidic or alkaline solutions. Universal indicator is the indicator most commonly used in the laboratory. If universal indicator ...
The Indicator from Planet Money A little show about big ideas. From the people who make Planet Money, The Indicator helps you make sense of what's happening today. It's a quick hit of insight into ...
The moving average convergence/divergence indicator helps investors identify price trends Samantha (Sam) Silberstein, CFP®, CSLP®, EA, is an experienced financial ...
Is it an acid, base, or neutral? Make your own acid-base indicator from red cabbage, then test various household substances. Acids and bases are classes of materials that have different properties.
初次申请失业保险的人数(即初次申请失业救济人数)出现显著下降,根据最新经济数据显示。 实际申请人数为219K,这一数字超出了市场预期。分析师此前预测为230K,表明实际数据大幅优于预期。这一低于预期的读数被视为美元的利好指标,反映出就业市场更加健康,经济更加强劲。 与之前的数据相比,也出现了显著下降。之前的数字为231K,意味着初次申请失业救济人数下降了12K。这一下降进一步凸显了就业市场的积极势 ...
This asymmetry aims to ensure that graduation is sustainable. Each of the three criteria is measured using key indicators which reflect long-term structural handicaps. These indicators are chosen ...
美国劳工部报告称,上周美国失业救济申请人数降至四个月来的最低水平,这表明9月就业增长强劲,第三季度经济持续扩张。数据还显示,领取失业救济金的人数已降至6月初以来的最低水平。 作为支持性举措,美联储周三将利率下调50个基点,这是自2020年以来的首次降息。美联储主席Jerome Powell解释说,这一决定旨在维持低失业率。 High Frequency Economics首席经济学家Carl We ...
9月12日,据科睿唯安基本科学指标数据库(Essential Science ...
The numbers: The leading index for the economy fell 0.6% in July, the fifth straight monthly decline, the Conference Board said Monday. Economists polled by the Wall Street Journal had forecast a ...
9月12日,科睿唯安发布的最新基本科学指标数据库(Essential Science Indicators,简称ESI)数据显示,皖南医学院药理学与毒理学学科首次进入ESI全球排名前1%。这是继临床医学之后,该校在ESI学科建设领域取得的新突破。