Ceaucescu and his wife Elena were found guilty by a military tribunal and executed by firing squad It was on Christmas Day 30 years ago that Romania's tyrannical communist dictator Nicolae ...
赫林的直觉是正确的。安东尼奥·格拉西亚斯帮助Vy Capital成功与马斯克的一家公司建立了首次合作关系——在SpaceX估值150亿美元时进行了一笔2000万美元的投资。Valor还投资了赫林的新网络安全初创公司Redacted。
他申辩自己无罪,即将接受审判。该加勒比政府在2011年取消了他的荣誉封号。 尼古拉•齐奥塞斯库(Nicolae Ceausescu) 100 罗马尼亚领导人 作为某种拉拢策略,英国政府在1978年授予独裁统治者 ...
罗马利亚前总统尼古拉·齐奥塞斯库(Nicolae Ceauşescu)在其1974到1989年长达15年的统治下,使国家大部分人口都变得更加贫穷。同时,因其禁止使用 ...
The appalling care at the orphanages came to light after the fall of Romania's communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu in 1989. "I remember TV pictures of those institutions, they were shocking ...
网民以“习”与“齐”相近的读音(习近平母亲及姐妹的姓氏也为“齐”)改编罗马尼亚共产党总书记齐奥塞斯库的名字而 ...
The three-hour-long documentary covers 25 years in the life of Nicolae Ceaușescu and was made using 1,000 hours of original footage from the National Archives of Romania.
"The Apple River Stabbing: Convicting Nicolae Miu" includes new interviews with prosecutors, defense attorneys and the reporters who covered the trial from gavel to gavel. Miu was sentenced to 20 ...