But, if you've ever bought into the myth that onions will help, we're afraid you're mistaken, although the thought is a logical one, due to the vegetable's high concentration of sulfoxides.
The reason this veggie is an effective rust remover is because of the amino acid sulfoxides it contains. When these amino acids are exposed to oxygen in the air, they form sulfenic acid.
The sulfoxides are activated when onions are cut and crushed. Studies show they help improve the quality of sleep in healthy adults when taken as concentrated supplement extract as it “improves ...
We also examined a series of aryl allyl sulfoxides and demonstrated that the rearrangement pathway to disulfides could be favored by using electron-withdrawing aryl groups (like para-nitrophenyl) to ...
The pharmacokinetics of promethazine hydrochloride after administration of rectal suppositories at three dosage strengths and oral syrup were studied. The study had an open-label, randomized ...
When you cut into the cells of an onion, they release the enzyme alliinase along with a family of compounds known as cysteine sulfoxides, Chau says. Through a series of subsequent chemical ...