1. 沿海国的主权及于其陆地领土及其内水以外邻接的一带海域,在群岛国的情形下则及于群岛水域以外邻接的一带海域,称为领海。 2. 此项主权及于 ...
联合国教育、科学及文化组织于1995年最先宣布4月23日为“世界图书和版权日”。自设立以来,参加“图书和版权日”庆祝活动的合作伙伴与日俱增 ...
世界邮政日的确定主要是为了让人们增强对邮政的认识:邮政部门不但在人们的日常生活和各类企业活动中起了重要作用 ...
我们在每年的10月9日,也就是万国邮政联盟于1874年在瑞士首都伯尔尼成立的那一天,庆祝世界邮政日。1969年,在日本东京召开的万国邮联大会宣布 ...
According to the World Social Report 2024, launched today by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, urgent global action is needed to support national efforts to address the ...
Currently, there are approximately 1 billion persons with disabilities in the world, or 15 per cent of the global population. In both developed and developing countries, evidence suggests that ...
UN DESA to host series of public events on 17 October, focusing on solutions to end poverty ...
Persons with disabilities often are excluded from the mainstream of the society and denied their human rights. Discrimination against persons with disabilities takes various forms, ranging from ...
This section explores the framework for the protection of rights of persons with disabilities at the national level. This exploration covers the adoption of international law into municipal law ...
Proposals to refer any portion of the report of the Secretary-General to one of the Main Committees without debate shall be decided upon by the General Assembly without previous reference to the ...
John Holmes is the United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and had been the Coordinator of the UN Secretary-General's High-Level Task Force on the Global Food Security ...
يواجه العالم اليوم بعضًا من أكبر التحديات التي واجهها منذ عدة أجيال، وهي تحديات تهدد ازدهار الناس ...