约翰·霍普金斯大学成立于1876年,位于马里兰州巴尔的摩市,是一所私立研究型大学。该校校名来自于首位捐资者、美国废奴主义者、慈善家和企业家约翰·霍普金斯。该校校训是“知识为了世界”。该校设有九个学部,服务超过2.1万名学生,这九个学部分别是 ...
Effective conceptualisation is key when beginning any research project. Help students get off to a good start using these ...
Handling a challenging academic workload along with parenting responsibilities is complicated. Support, connection to ...
Higher education institutions can help their employees balance the demands of family responsibilities with work – here’s how ...
Given the often bureaucratic structure of most universities, quickly implementing change is difficult because approvals ...
The comedy stage can be a place for academics to be silly and let it all hang out. Chris Pahlow explores why humour is ...
As the voice of global higher education, THE is an invaluable daily resource. Subscribe today to receive unlimited news and analyses, commentary from the sharpest minds in international academia, our ...
Higher education is facing pressure to reform assessment. But how to get started? Steve Briggs offers ten tips ...
University communications are often high impact and visually appealing. But this can be the opposite of what some of our ...
Overhauling an institution’s entire education curriculum is a silo-busting undertaking. Here’s what one university, now in ...
Storytelling can bridge the gap between complex STEM content and student engagement – it gives learners a discovery-based ...
A great deal of teaching in higher education appears to be inactive, despite the proven benefits of active learning. Here are ...