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Vol. 20 contains F. W. Assmann's Index in Galeni libros.
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You can use this work for any purpose, including commercial uses, without restriction under copyright law. You should also provide attribution to the original work, source and licence. Read more about ...
Great Britain. Committee of Inquiry into Human Fertilisation and Embryology. You have permission to make copies of this work under an Open Government License. This licence permits unrestricted use, ...
Ross, James Tyrrell Carter, F.R.C.S. D.I.G. S.S.C Cantab, C.I.E. (1823-1897), Surgeon and medical officer, British Army in India, Indian Medical Service Commonplace ...
We want everyone to feel included in all that Wellcome Collection has to offer. Find out how we make our building, services and programme as accessible and inclusive as possible. We welcome group ...
"The UK Prime Minister commissioned the Review of Antimicrobial Resistance to address the growing global problem of drug-resistant infections. It is ... supported by the Wellcome Trust and UK ...
Great Britain. Mental Deficiency Committee. Copy 3 1st vol Supplier/Donor: Poly E.London Note: 1931 printing. Contains pt. 1 and 2. Formerly in the Charles Myers Library at the N.I.I.P. Copy 3 2nd vol ...
Luxemburg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2003. "KI-56-03-893-B7-C" -- cover. Originally part of the BIODOC collection. Copy 1. Supplier/Donor: Directorate-General for ...
Ibn Jumayʻ, Hibat Allāh ibn Zayn, -1198. Includes titlepage and index in Arabic.