The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s upcoming mandatory incident reporting regulation for critical infrastructure should take into consideration a need to unify the aviation sector’s ...
The National Institute of Standards and Technology is asking for input on a draft framework to address challenges in the traceability of the manufacturing supply chain for product authenticity, ...
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The Justice Department is charging three Iranians with committing a hacking conspiracy that most recently sought to influence the U.S. presidential election through a “hack-and-leak operation” ...
The House Homeland Security Committee has advanced legislation in a 17-13 vote to codify and provide structure for the Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative from Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), despite the ...
The House passed in a 337-43 vote a bill sponsored by the late Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) to require the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency to provide cybersecurity training to ...
The National Science Foundation is seeking feedback from stakeholders on building greater cyber-physical resilience in critical infrastructure systems, based on a federal advisory board report that ...
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