“代表诉讼”(representative action)指的是由一人或多人代表一群人发起诉讼或应诉。与其他司法管辖区常见的集体诉讼(class action)不同,新加坡的法律程序要求所有索赔人具名,不能以不具名的方式参与这类诉讼。
普华永道中国发布的全员信称 :“ 监管机构公布了关于普华永道中天对前客户恒大地产审计工作的调查结果以及行政处罚。我们 ...
而且博格并非唯一一位行为不端的高管。有报道称,有一位有腐败罪行记录的管理人员似乎与王储建立了联系,这让他逃脱了一系列不当行为指控,包括在城市建设期间与一位施工经理发生肢体冲突。据称该公司还雇佣了因侵吞公款被调查的高管和“动辄斥责和贬低员工”的首席执行 ...
“I think the 2024 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) is the forum that will give us another chance for Africa and China together to work for the population of China, Congo and (even) Africa. I ...
For example, during regional conflicts in Africa, the Chinese flag has become a symbol of friendship, helping Chinese nationals receive protection and support from locals. Likewise, when Africans come ...
The 2024 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Summit took place in Beijing from September 4th to 6th. Amine Lahmamsi, a ...
A Chinese envoy on Monday urged the United States to take tangible actions to push Israel to cease its military operations in ...
“前沿地球科学奖(Frontiers Planet Prize)”由前沿研究基金会(Frontiers Research Foundation,FRF ...
By the newly adopted resolution, the UNGA "demands that Israel brings to an end without delay its unlawful presence in the ...
俄罗斯国营电视台(RT)一个七天24小时全天候广播的英语新闻频道,提供俄罗斯对全球新闻的观点,最近其对乌克兰和俄罗斯战争前线的最新报道,不仅应该引起那些监视世界末日钟发展的人关注,也应该引起所有爱好和平人士注意。世界末日钟是原子科学家公报(SSB)属 ...