The rapacity (sometimes called “state prize”) effect refers to the idea that valuable economic resources can provide an incentive to fight over their control. And the resource effect recognizes that ...
Its protagonists came from an unexpected quarter. They were the rising capitalist class excoriated for its "mean rapacity." AII this was ignored in favor of the great point that Smith made in his ...
Small plots reflect not merely the rapacity of realtors but the caution of owners who do not want too much grass to cut and snow to shovel—details too intimate for the historians. The real ...
The conversion of domestic consumers while piggybacking on the distribution companies has an element of social irresponsibility, because it leaves the less affluent consumer (whoever cannot afford to ...
Given the rapacity of government spending, and the entrenchment of the income tax, it is unlikely that such an “all-tariff” policy is possible under current political conditions, even if Trump ...