Developing a strong passenger vehicle business has been a strategic focus for JAC Group since the tenure of Mr. Zuo Yan’an.
BEIJING, Sept. 21 (Xinhua) -- There is some good news for farmers in Yinjiayuan, a village in Jiangsu Province, east China.
Guarding these carvings is a form of family relay. Luo Kaihong, who lives in Fozu Village, took over the responsibility of ...
PART.01 / 隔音性能 隔音性能是指减弱声源向听者传递的声音的能力。房间房子临近马路,车流声比较嘈杂,老人孩子总是休息不好?为保证家人的休息质量,门窗选择应该着重考虑门窗的隔音性能。 PART.02 / 隔热性能 ...
George R. Oliver, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Johnson Controls, envisions Shanghai's 2035 outlook.
The transatlantic slave trade, spanning four centuries, generated immense wealth for Western nations and played a critical ...
61岁的乔丹在1999年离开公牛队,成为华盛顿奇才队(Washington Wizards)的老板之一。之后他成为夏洛特黄蜂队(Charlotte Hornets)的最大股东,去年以30亿美元卖掉了自己的股份。据《华尔街日报》在4月份报道称,乔丹以1 ...
Chongqing native Wang Wandi achieved fourth place in the women’s category at the Flymaster Open in Macedonia, Europe in July ...
BEST Inc started its business mapping for Southeast Asia market expansion in 2018. The group completed its express delivery ...
Well-known French light and shadow troupe Quidams will present a light and shadow drama show that transcends borders in ...
"Hong Kong has always been a key part of China's engagement with the world," said Dilma Rousseff, President of the New ...