Apogee Pharmaceuticals Inc. has disclosed monoglyceride lipase (MGLL; MAGL) inhibitors reported to be useful for the treatment of neurodegeneration, neuropathy, ischemia, and metabolic, eye, lung, ...
Monoglyceride, freie Fettsäuren) zerlegt werden (Verdauung). Im weiteren Verlauf werden die Bruchstücke entweder direkt wiederverwendet (z.B. zum Wiederaufbau von Makromolekülen) oder durch weiteren ...
One emulsifier that is commonly listed as a food additive is E471. The two molecules above are a monoglyceride (with two hydroxyl groups remaining) and a diglyceride (with one hydroxyl group ...
VCO has a long tradition of use in treating infections. Like all edible oils, VCO is made up of triglycerides, each one with a simple glycerol core of three carbons, to each of which an FA is ...
Die F. findet im oberen Jejunum statt. Der Begriff F. ist unpräzise; es werden mehrheitlich nicht Fette sondern Fetthydrolyseprodukte (Fettsäuren; Monoglyceride; Cholesterin; Lysophospholipide) ...
Avicenna.ai SAS received U.S. FDA clearance for its Cina-Cspine algorithm, which uses machine learning technology to detect and triage cervical spine fractures from computed tomography images. The ...