The NZ Herald reported findings from the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station.
Onions and garlic both like fertile soil, but neither require much nitrogen and so shouldn't be grown on freshly manured soil. Instead, dig over and manure the ground several months before planting.
“Orkney’s farmers were among the first in Europe to have deliberately manured their fields to improve their crops,” says Jane Downes, director of the Archaeology Institute at the University ...
we manured our ground with herrings or rather shads, which we have in great abundance, and take with great ease at our doors. Our corn did prove well, and God be praised, we had a good increase of ...
We have relied on seed-applied insecticides over the past few years to take care of wireworm, seed corn maggot and other soil-residing pests like them. But we think we are seeing more damage and lost ...
Around the same time, researchers reported that a bacterium in “heavily manured” New Jersey soil produced streptomycin, an antibiotic that became the first effective treatment for tuberculosis.
Octomore 15, the latest three whiskies in an annual series of super peaty Scotch single malts Where it’s from: Revived in ...
It was discovered that babul-seed sown in the ashes of prickly pear germinated very quickly, and that plants manured with the ash grew vigorously and strong. A series of successful experiments ...