8 月 30 日,央视《24小时》节目报道了源于清华大学软件学院的国产开源时间序列数据库 IoTDB 登顶数据库国际权威榜单 TPCx-IoT,性能、性价比双指标刷新世界纪录。 事务处理性能委员会(TPC,Transaction Processing ...
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is an application program interface (API) packaged with the Java SE edition that makes it possible to standardize and simplify the process of connecting Java ...
在 7 月 26 日的 TDengine 用户大会上,涛思数据(TDengine)创始人&CEO 陶建辉进行了题为《TDengine 助你决胜 AI 时代》的主题演讲。他不仅分享了 TDengine 的全面技术创新,还深入阐释了打造 TDengine AI 大语言模型插件 TDgpt 的动因和实施思路。本文根据演讲内容整理而成。 计算机技术的四十年发展:站在巨人的肩膀上 1984 年 5 月,距今 ...
Microservices architecture has revolutionized how modern applications are designed, providing greater flexibility, ...
DataPaaS™ helps customers unify data integration and governance to deliver trusted data. Customers can use self-service data source configuration and meta-object management capabilities to easily ...
Java is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, known for its versatility, robustness, and widespread use across different applications, fro ...
Join our team at ING and be part of our Accelerate Think Forward journey to build the next generation digital bank. Experience personalized, relevant, instant, and seamless (beyond) banking services ...