Epistemic implicature and inquisitive bias: a multidimensional semantics for polar interrogatives" (M.A.) 2010, Angela Cooper, "Effects of linguistic and musical experience on Cantonese tone word ...
Language Learning and Development 14(4), 320-338. Hochstein, L., A. Bale and D. Barner. (2017). Scalar implicature in absence of epistemic reasoning? The case of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Language ...
Jenny's primary interests are in Philosophy of Language, Feminism, Philosophy of Race, and Philosophy of Psychology. She is currently working on racism in political speech, a topic which has kept her ...
Capone, F. Lo Piparo and M. Carapezza (eds) Perspectives on Pragmatics and Philosophy, 99-130. Springer. 2012. (with Robyn Carston) Implicature and explicature. In H.-J. Schmid (ed.) Cognitive ...