Deliberately hollowed out and plugged with birch tar, the bone – originally from a sheep or goat – was found to contain a large number of seeds of a plant called black henbane (Hyoscyamus niger).
The plan "stinking henbane" would have bee infused with tea or alcohol to make them feel less pain. Vikings were famous for their Norse skirmishes into neighboring communities, which involved a ...
Henbane is a member of the nightshade family and is thought to have been used by Dr Crippen who was convicted of killing his wife in 1910. My Antony is away". Mandrake or mandragora is also ...
The Solanaceae family is a vast one with more than 2,500 members including tomatoes, potatoes, chillies, aubergines, peppers, tobacco, deadly nightshade and henbane. Despite its deadly potential ...
Paul was in the band New Jersey's Finest in the early eighties (members of which went on to form Niblick Henbane). Paul also played guitar in Pleased Youth, who reunited last year and played shows ...