The researchers found that neurons in the hindbrain mediate both effects of these obesity drugs, and unexpectedly also ...
Kleinfeld will continue studying the medulla oblongata, the part of the hindbrain where the pre-Bötzinger complex is located, and how high-order feedback fine tunes movement. David Golomb, from Ben ...
For all animals, sensory processing is a matter of survival. Sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing -; the coordination of these senses together helps them find food, return to shelter and escape ...
In her laboratory at Baylor College of Medicine, Dr. Huda Zoghbi and her colleagues have found two neuronal lineages in the hindbrain that act as ‘conductors’ of an exquisite biological symphony.
When axons of corticospinal neurons from the motor cortex cross the middle of the hindbrain, they plunge down the opposite side of the spinal cord and connect to motor neurons that control movement.
Anatomically, in vertebrate embryos, cranial motor neurons develop in columns and eventually cluster to form nuclei in discrete regions of the midbrain and hindbrain (which together make up the ...
The production combines stunning design and fluid, evocative puppetry with a streamlined, action-oriented rendering of the ...
Currently, I'm focusing on the retinotegmentum circuitry and its function related to both visual and non-visual stimuli. I'm also interested in discovering the importance and functionality of ...
The Society for Neuroscience (SfN) will honor seven researchers who have made significant contributions to the advancement of women in neuroscience. The awards will be presented during Neuroscience ...
Whether outrunning elephants or getting lost in a foreign city, Agnes Schliebitz finds there’s much to be gained as long as ...