编者按:2024年9月9日至13日,第60届欧洲糖尿病研究协会年会 (EASD2024)于西班牙马德里拉开帷幕。此次盛会上,Camillo Golgi奖的获得者美国密歇根大学卡斯威尔糖尿病研究所临床研究主任Rodica Pop-Busui教授结合自己关于糖尿病并发症的研究旅程就“这很复杂:利用过去的经验和现在的知识创造一个没有糖尿病并发症的未来!”的主题进行了演讲。Rodica ...
Recruitment of NLRP3 to the Golgi is controlled by the reversible addition of a lipid anchor adjacent to the polybasic region.
Understanding how these harmonies conjure thoughts, memories and emotions is perhaps the greatest scientific question of ...
Researchers at University of Tsukuba have meticulously examined the gametogenesis of budding yeast, a process involving ...
Scientists at the University of Maryland School of Medicine have made a groundbreaking discovery that could shed light on the ...
Stretching increases muscle flexibility to improve range of motion and mobility means moving joints through range of motion ...
The accumulation of SIRT4 in the nuclei of kidney cells drives kidney fibrosis, so blocking the movement of this protein could be a potential therapeutic strategy against fibrosis.
Macrophages are important cellular reservoirs of chikungunya virus (CHIKV), but the viral and host determinants that ...