As everyone knows, he has wintered and disported himself in Switzerland, has survived an ankle strained while skating and ensuing measles (TIME, Feb. 22, Mar. 1). *12,149 ft., as against the ...
Unfortunately, it was not the great barge on which the Egyptian queen, played by Elizabeth Taylor, disported herself with Richard Burton's Mark Antony in the 1963 movie version of her story ...
And I would always be happy to see Charlie Rose again, personally or on television, regardless of whether he disported himself before individual female staff au naturel, as Mark Steyn said last ...
A Scottish newspaper that reported the first modern sighting of the Loch Ness Monster is marking its 200th anniversary. The Inverness Courier was first printed in December 1817. In 1933, the paper ...
Eight hundred voices (including the Aframerican chorus) filled the wide night air, 100 dancing girls disported before the monarch and on the lawn in front of the mammoth stage were massed ...
You are disported, carried off out of yourself. In botany, a ‘sport’ is the wayward offshoot of an otherwise predictable shrub. The definition of ‘a real sport’ is a girl like Catherine Morland, the..
Indeed, I’ve never strutted on it, never disported myself, never “performed” for an audience. I’m going to die never having been on a stage. Not even at primary school, that I can remember ...
The report noted for the record: “The creature disported itself, rolling and plunging for fully a minute, its body resembling that of a whale, and the water cascading and churning like a ...