The earliest representations we have of the crossbow date from 400 BCE, in China. By 209 BCE the Chinese army had 50,000 crossbowmen who fought with mass-produced bronze weapons. These crossbows, ...
18 June 1648: a banquet is taking place at the Amsterdam crossbowmen’s guild. The occasion was the signing of the Treaty of Münster, which marked an end to the war with Spain. The captains of the ...
It’s a big party! The occasion is the end of the war with Spain. Spirits are high! People eat, drink and toast to their heart’s content. And the finery! Van der Helst portrayed everyone dressed to the ...
When the charter was confirmed by Philip the Bold in May 1400 a few additions were made, including the requirement that ‘the said crossbowmen will be companions of honest life and good renown’ and be ...
Pang Juan, commander of Wei, was lured to a narrow pass at night, where his army was ambushed by 10,000 crossbowmen from Qi. [1] According to some sources, Pang Juan committed suicide whilst others ...
Units of crossbowmen used shields or pavises like this example to form a wall of protection while loading and aiming their crossbows. This pavise is part of a group that survived in the arsenal of the ...
Manor Lords has slowly and steadily grown since its Early Access release a few months ago, adding more resources, buildings, ...
Confront chaotic Hollow Crossbowmen with this DARK SOULS™ miniatures box! Although the iron bolts of their crossbows have long-since rusted, these Hollow Crossbowmen are not to be taken lightly. What ...
Knights and Merchants is a strategy game that was undoubtedly modeled on Settlers but was definitely not a copy. See a game ...
Cavalry has a tough time trying to deal with them, and these heavy crossbowmen will generally help to dispatch any kind of ...
The opposing French army has been estimated as between 30,000 and 72,000 strong with perhaps as many as 6,000 crossbowmen. Genoese mercenaries formed the van of the French army under the command of ...
One of the most popular choices is their crossbowmen. These sharp-eyed fighters never waste a shot, resolutely waiting until enemies have closed to within perfect range before unleashing their bolts.