防务新闻(Defense News)星期六援引美国国会助理和官员透露,美国向台湾提供价值5.67亿美元的安全援助计划已经获得五角大楼的批准,目前正在等待美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)的最终签字,而拜登可能会在9月底本财政年度结束前批准该计划。
国防部先前透露,已参考美国「国防创新单位(Defense Innovation Unit, DIU)」,于今年2月1日成立「国防创新小组」。国防部长顾立雄18日透露,目前已和美国DIU成立对口,而美国商务部本月也将来台交流,双方将进一步 ...
2024年美台国防工业会议 (US-Taiwan Defense Industry Conference)即将举行,网络安全公司发现,主办会议的美台商业协会 (US-Taiwan Business ...
Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said on Wednesday that Israel has entered a "new phase" in its conflict with Hezbollah ...
The death toll of an Israeli airstrike on southern Beirut on Friday has risen to 37, the Lebanese Health Ministry said ...
(斯德哥尔摩10日讯)瑞典政府当地时间周一宣布,承诺向乌克兰提供4亿4300万美元(19亿3137万令吉)的军事援助,包括攻击艇和防空系统,但表示目前没有计划转移战斗机。法新社报导,这项价值46亿瑞典克朗(4亿4300万美元)的一揽子计划是这个北欧国 ...
BEIJING, Sept. 15 (Xinhua) -- Officials from China's Ministry of National Defense and the U.S. Department of Defense held the 18th China-U.S. Defense Policy Coordination Talks in Beijing from Saturday ...
SEOUL, Sept. 10 (Xinhua) -- The top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) called for greater efforts for economic development and strengthening national defense on the occasion of ...