The daily crude oil production of Bohai Oilfield, the largest offshore oilfield in China, has exceeded 100,000 metric tons, ...
Bohai Leasing Co. needed to find $2 billion fast, after a bond sale stalled and banks balked at demands for a loan. Most Read ...
The United States has one of its six West Coast-based aircraft carriers operating in the Western Pacific Ocean again ...
China boasts impressive shipbuilding capacity across its industry, but a few key yards play a greater role in its naval ...
今年第13号台风“贝碧嘉”(强热带风暴级)的中心今天(14日)上午8点钟位于浙江省舟山市东偏南方向约1000公里的西北太平洋洋面上,就是北纬26.2度、东经131.5度,中心附近最大风力有10级(28米/秒),中心最低气压为982百帕,七级风圈半径1 ...
China's efforts to bolster energy security took a significant leap forward as its two largest oilfields achieved historic ...
The carrier made a breakthrough of the first island chain, part of Washington's Western Pacific containment strategy aimed at ...
《中国日报》近日报道,从自然资源部获悉,由国家海洋环境预报中心自主研发的“妈祖·海浪”预报模式,已获得多次成功应用,保障了重大赛事的顺利举办,有力助推了海浪灾害预警模式的进步。“妈祖·海浪”:名之所起在广袤无垠的海洋世界里,海浪的起伏变化常常隐藏着未 ...
HE HAIYANG/FOR CHINA DAILY Originating in Qinghai province, the Yellow River, often dubbed as the cradle of the Chinese ...
Suizhong 36-1 oilfield in Bohai Bay is China's largest state-owned offshore oilfield, having started production in 1993 Production from China's largest state-owned offshore oilfield has reached 100 ...
Tibetan herders attend a tourism promotion event in Nyima county, Xizang autonomous region, on Aug 25. WANG ZHENG/FOR CHINA ...