德国马普固体物理和材料研究所曾在《Nature》期刊上介绍:“铋可能是元素周期表中最奇特且被低估的元素之一。”今天,小编将带你深入了解这个神秘的元素 ——“铋”,揭开它在各个领域中的独特魅力。
在距今约3000年前的古希腊与古罗马时代,人们常用一种金属来制作盒子与箱子的底座。这种金属质地柔软,便于加工,熔点与沸点均较低。1450年,修士瓦伦丁对这种金属进行了详细的描述;之后,学者阿格里科拉在其所著的《论金属》一书中阐述了这种金属与金属锑的特 ...
Bismuth is an unusual element that we don't encounter much in everyday life. But this pretty, iridescent metal, found near ...
This is bismuth — a natural chemical element that chemically resembles arsenic and antimony. But there’s a catch with this ...
As Earthlings, we’re curious about whether alien civilizations like ours are out there or if they exist at all—which is why ...
Bismuth, the 83rd element in the periodic table, has been known since ancient times, but was often confused with lead and tin. In 1753, Claude François Geoffroy from France demonstrated that ...
For pioneering research on the medicinal chemistry of bismuth applied to the treatment of COVID-19, and identification of target sites in SARS-CoV-2 enzymes using metallomics methods. We’re delighted ...
氧空位(Vo)通常被认为在析氧反应(OER)中起着关键作用,但是由氧空位造成的活性位点的产生会受到其缩合和消除反应的限制。基于此, 北京航空航天大学郭林教授和刘利民教授、葡萄牙伊比利亚国际纳米技术实验室(INL)郭天琪老师(共同通讯作者)等人 ...
THE change of electrical resistance of bismuth in magnetic fields has been extensively studied, and the investigations of Kapitza 1 and subsequent Workers on single crystals have led to the ...
The American Journal of Gastroenterology has published a new guideline on the treatment of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) ...
The Alfa-class submarine, developed by the Soviet Union during the Cold War, was an innovative but problematic vessel. Its ...
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