In buildings with lots of people, CO2 emissions from human respiration is surprisingly high; a research team wondered if HVAC ...
Scientists have been working on ways to make use of them, and we now have another to add to the list: old coffee grounds have been shown to absorb bentazone, a herbicide used in agriculture.
What if those coffee grounds you toss every morning could help clean up toxic pollution choking our waterways? A new study shows they can do exactly that, according to Anthropocene Magazine.
Other herbicides that can be used include a mixture of mecoprop, ioxynil and bromoxynil (Image) and bentazone (Basagran). These generally work best under warm conditions but before the plants get too ...
Another possibility is to spot-spray in pastures with aminopyralid (T-Max). If pastures have bad dock problems, it might be best to spray them out with a glyphosate/thifensulfuron mix, resow the ...