"People all across America celebrated Martin Luther King's birthday," 全国各地纷纷庆祝马丁.路德金的诞辰日。1月26号是中国农历新年的大年初一。 "Chinese people all over the world will celebrate the beginning of the Chinese Year of the ...
近日,有部分跨境卖家发现,亚马逊北美站的首页,出现了三个“入口级”的大变化: ...
虽然我们常常调侃“欧美捞比”,但英雄联盟四大联赛之一的北美LCS,将成为过去时了。Riot Games ...
As a foodie, he expressed his love for the sweet "tangyuan (glutinous rice balls)," as well as his amazement at the changes to mooncakes over his 18-year stay in the country. He wishes all his friends ...
2011,30(6) [7]. Higgins ML, et al. Fungal morphogenesis: ring formation and closure by Arthrobotrys dactyloides. Science, 1967, 155(3760) [8]. Luo H, et al. Coprinus comatus damages nematode cuticles ...