The bilateral agreement between China and Japan on ocean discharge of Fukushima nuclear-contaminated water has no connection ...
The transatlantic slave trade, spanning four centuries, generated immense wealth for Western nations and played a critical ...
The International Peace Maternity and Child Health Hospital's new Fengxian branch has opened an international department to ...
近日,中国科学技术大学谈鹏教授团队造出一种火星电池。该电池可以使用火星大气成分,来作为电池反应燃料物质,并能实现较高的能量密度、以及较长时间的循环性能。 在 0 摄氏度低温下,这款电池的能量密度达到 373.9Wh/kg,循环寿命达 1375 ...
The star exhibit at the 2024 World Manufacturing Convention—the French Company Alstom’s straddle monorail made a stunning ...
剧情中,Long Lee饰演的帕金是一位体育科学学院的学生和游泳健将,他性格成熟稳重,不仅在学业和运动上表现出色,还怀揣着继承家族企业并创立个人运动品牌梦想。而Boom ...
At the 2024 FOCAC Summit, China and Africa's partnership in modernization reached a significant milestone, marking a new ...
在一片喧嚣与忙碌中,纪录片《里斯本丸沉没》的强势崛起如同一声惊雷,唤醒了观众久藏的记忆与感动。最近,这部历经外界评价的影片不仅因其纪实性和艺术性而逐渐被观众们所认可,更因片尾曲《Long Way From ...
当沉默了82年的‘里斯本丸’终于浮出水面,纪录电影《里斯本丸沉没》逐渐引发了观众的关注和热议。这部作品不仅展示了那段历史的真相,更通过精湛的叙事艺术,让每一位观众都能感受到与历史的脉搏共鸣。最近,影片片尾曲《Long Way From ...