As summer comes to an end, it’s time to do some general garden maintenance, replenish the soil, and tidy up dead plants. Many ...
Tomato plants are nearing the end of their growing season and there will be lots of ripe fruit ready to be harvested, but there is one simple job which can result in bigger crop yields.
Tomato plants should be overflowing with ripe crops ready to be harvested at this time of year, but gardeners should be on the lookout for fruit that has brown leathery spots. Beth Otway ...
Once established, tomato plants can continue to grow and ripen fruit throughout the growing season. How long they'll continue to produce mostly depends on the variety, climate, and care they ...
Growing tomatoes is the ultimate act of garden long term love. The amount of time it takes to choose the variety, germinate it, nurture it through the seedling process, plant it correctly ...
Soil level watering with sea mineral and kelp-enriched tea can fortify the plant and significantly improve its defense ...
some cheap imported tomatoes are grown under polytunnels, picked under-ripe, then artificially ripened with ethylene gas, a plant hormone. Sun-warmed tomatoes picked straight from the vine are ...
Q. We are growing tomato plants in pots and have a plant that is not looking good at all. The stems are turning a dark grey color and the leaf veins are turning grey as well. After a while ...
Clemson University and the USDA worked together to come up with a new method which was to graft annual tomato plants. When Cal mentioned to our group that grafting tomato plants could be the ...
skills to investigate when it all goes wrong. I realized early on that the tomato plants were simply not growing the way they usually did. I asked around and others seemed to have similar issues.