For centuries, the people of South Papua have observed a healthy tradition. Several times a day they ate sago, a starch extracted from native palm trees. Sago is one of their main staples ...
据英国司法部9月5日消息,英国大法官沙巴纳·马哈茂德签署了第一个具有法律约束力的人工智能安全使用的国际条约。该条约将确保各签署国监控人工智能发展,确保任何人工智能技术都在严格的范围内进行管理,具体包括:保护人的数据与隐私,确保不会受到侵犯和歧视;签署国共同防止公共机构侵犯和破坏民主;签署国有责任监管人工智能特定风险。据英国司法部报道,欧盟委员会同意新的条约框架,要求各方采取集体行动来管理人工智能产 ...
(古晋18日讯)砂拉越旅游、创意工业和表演艺术部副部长拿督史诺登拉旺建议本地米酒酿酒商复制印尼巴厘岛阿拉克酒的成功,让砂原住民传统米酒走向国际。他还呼吁将米酒转变为一种全球产品,就像日本的清酒或韩国的米酒一样。他表示,支持米酒商业化将释放经济机会,特 ...
Q: My indoor potted sago palm houseplants appear to be facing trouble. Their long feather-like leaves which are normally a ...
Writer-director Justin Sago features prominently throughout Unmasking Monsters Below. The documentary is a call to action ...
A TOWERING swan statue perched in the river near the Sibu Rejang Esplanade, can be traced to local folklore. According to ...
Sago, a trusted leader in market research, will host Sago Vision '25, a forward-thinking virtual event poised to unveil innovative insights and opportunities in the market research landscape on ...
As if business owners didn’t have enough generations to decipher and market to, there’s another generation—Gen C, or ...
Sabudana, derived from the sago palm tree, is primarily carbohydrate-rich and provides quick energy while being low in vitamins and minerals. It's been integral to Indian cuisine in dishes like ...
(古晋17日讯)砂拉越旅游、创意工业和表演艺术部副部长拿督史诺登拉旺建议本地米酒酿酒商复制印尼巴厘岛阿拉克酒的成功,让砂原住民传统米酒走向国际。他还呼吁将米酒转变为一种全球产品,就像日本的清酒或韩国的米酒一样。他表示,支持米酒商业化将释放经济机会,特别是对乡区农民和酿酒商,就像巴厘岛 ...
Look no further than a staple in many Hong Kong dessert and dim sum shops – mango pomelo sago. More commonly known as 楊枝甘露, this refreshing treat is a delightful break from the stifling ...