除组件企业外, 美国光伏 原材料和配件企业也获得了大量补贴。根据美国能源部近期发布的信息,美国国税局已为在35个州开发的100多个项目分配了约40亿美元的税收抵免。其中已披露的光伏项目包括:Highland Materials公司获得2.556亿美元 ...
According to a news release from AVIC, the first AS700 was delivered to Guangxi Guilin Fangzhou General Aviation, a private ...
9月19日,中国商飞公司一架C919飞机从四川成都双流国际机场起飞,经过2小时8分钟飞行,平稳降落在西藏拉萨贡嘎国际机场。这是C919飞机首次飞抵拉萨。 Located in the Yarlung Zangbo River valley at an ...
BEIJING, Sep 20 (China Economic Net) – China is transitioning from a solar manufacturing powerhouse to a leading innovator in ...
中国·上海,2024年9月18日,全球自动化仓储物流解决方案提供商德马泰克宣布,正式晋升Steve Cheung先生为德马泰克亚洲及大中华区总裁。Steve先生已在德马泰克工作17年,拥有丰富的行业知识和管理经验,在业务发展和深化服务方面贡献卓越。
The number of research and development institutions in Changsha, Hunan province, has increased by 866 since September last year, and the city has 7,842 high-tech enterprises, according to a summit hel ...
Top executives from more than 20 leading multinationals and guest speakers gathered again this morning as the 36th International Business Leaders' Advisory Council for the Mayor of Shanghai (IBLAC) ...
The World Resources Institute (WRI) Beijing Office is seeking three highly self-motivated students to be research interns for ...
As the world's largest developing country, China always considers its growth in the context of the common development of all ...
进入第三季后,品牌客户手中的MNT面板库存已达满足点,对MNT面板需求开始明显减弱 ;鉴于当前TV面板需求同样转弱,在TV面板价格持续承压下跌趋势下,部分MNT品牌客户也向面板厂表达了 适度调降MNT面板价格的 期望。
VANCOUVER - 专注于精神药物衍生治疗的生物科技公司Clearmind Medicine Inc. (NASDAQ:CMND), (FSE:CWY0)宣布,已为一种结合Ibogaine和N-酰基乙醇胺的新型药物治疗方法发布国际专利申请。这项与SciSparc Ltd. (NASDAQ:SPRC)合作开发的成果旨在提高治疗精神健康和成瘾障碍的安全性和有效性。 Ibogaine是从非洲灌木Ta ...
China's homegrown C919 jetliner, developed by the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC), completed a flight from ...