She was linked to the morning star, and her name was “Ishtar” – or “Esther,” as she was called in Hebrew. This is the story that inspires the Jewish holiday of Purim, which begins this ...
For Jews in America, Purim recalls events that took place in a faraway country, in a city with a funny, almost fairy-tale name: Shushan. But what if Shushan were as close as New York is to Boston?
There, the characteristics of the Final Redemption are learned from the prototype of the Redemption of Purim, a natural ...
ESTHER thrilled the audience at the George, who gave it a rousing standing ovation. I suspect A.D. PLAYERS knows its audience, and they have given them a show that dazzles people who have come in the ...
Revered by both Christians and Jews as an exclamation of despair, Mizrahi and Sephardi Jews also chant the psalm on Purim for the Fast of Esther. Sandler wrote “Eili, Eili” (an alternative ...
In the Diaspora, Jews stress their connection to Israel and the unity of the Jewish people. The story of Purim is told in the biblical text of Megillat Esther. As the Megillah teaches, the Jews of ...
Interfaith discourse is a necessary facet to combat antisemitism and this was seen in the United Voices Against Antisemitism ...
Purim is a Jewish festival that usually happens in February or March each year. It celebrates a story from the Jewish Bible. In the story, Queen Esther helped to save the Jewish people from an ...
The hamantaschen is perhaps the most recognizable symbol of the Jewish holiday of Purim. This triangle-shaped pastry is often served with a wide variety of fillings, from fruits like blueberry or ...
Purim, to make a very long story short, celebrates the defeat of the evil Haman’s plot to massacre the Jews of Persia, as told in the Book of Esther. For 2,500 years, Jews around the world have ...