Chris Impey of the University of Arizona says that as civilian space expeditions become more common, it's a good time to ...
美国佛罗里达州,周二(10日)迎来了太空探索技术公司SpaceX的又一历史性时刻。搭载猎鹰9号火箭的“北极星黎明号”(Polaris ...
飞船在高地球轨道上停留的时间并不长,SpaceX就开始降低高度。到今天早上,龙飞船和北极星黎明号机组人员已经在1400km轨道完成了六次绕地球飞行,然后在大约5个小时的时间里,飞船进行了四次燃烧,降低到大约190乘742公里的轨道,为即将到来的的太空 ...
SpaceX在可回收火箭、载人航天等领域获得了突出的成就,其龙飞船的成功溅落是其技术成熟的重要标志。通过利用四个降落伞进行减速和控制,SpaceX在实现安全着陆方面进行了多项创新,确保了载人龙飞船在返回地球时的安全。 载人龙飞船自首次发射以来,经过多次测试与改进,已经具备了稳定的轨道飞行及安全着陆的能力。这一系列技术的突破,不仅降低了商业航天的门槛,更推动了未来太空旅行的商业化。
In an exclusive interview with NBC’s Lester Holt, which will air on NBC Nightly News on Tuesday, the crew — billionaire ...
近日,美国太空探索技术公司(SpaceX)宣布其“北极星黎明”任务中的宇航员Jared Isaacman与Sarah Gillis成功完成了人类历史上首次从商业太空飞船中进行的太空行走,标志着商业航天领域的一大突破。
Fresh off their historic space flight, the crew of the Polaris Dawn sat down for an exclusive interview about their historic ...
SpaceX's Polaris Dawn mission was a spaceflight for the ages. Here's what the historic mission was like from launch to ...
美东时间周四上午6时许,SpaceX启动了此次太空行走计划,宇航员穿着的SpaceX宇航服开始注入氧气。太空行走是私人资助的“北极星黎明” (Polaris Dawn)飞行任务的核心内容。
The Polaris missions are helping fast-track Elon Musk's Mars city, from testing spacesuits and a spacewalk to planning ...
SpaceX’s Polaris Dawn mission, in which billionaire Jared Isaacman and three other crew members traveled to space in a Crew Dragon, has made headlines for including the first-ever private spacewalk.
The crew of Polaris Dawn joins TODAY to talk about completing the first ever civilian spacewalk and going deeper into space than any astronauts since the Apollo mission. "It was very emotional. Earth ...