有这样一群人:常年胸闷气短,下肢浮肿无力,每天像生活在高原上一样,呼吸困难,他们就是肺动脉高压患者。因为预后差,生存率低,肺动脉高压被称为“心血管的癌症”。 近日,中国科大附一院(安徽省立医院)心血管内科右心和肺血管病团队在科室主任马礼坤教授带领下,率先在省内完成2例肺动脉高压患者经皮肺动脉去神经消融术(PADN)。此次手术是PADN上市后全国首批手术,填补了安徽省空白,为肺动脉高压患者治疗带来了 ...
[38] It is theorized that excessive air insufflation, prolonged procedure time, and multiple percutaneous needle punctures of the stomach may all play a role in the development of this complication.
87岁余慕莲(鱼毛姐)早前曾指有位男星欠债,她好心借钱给对方付医药费,最终很久才还清。而近日,曾有“鬼马填词人”之称的74岁黎彼得拍片就谈到入院时曾获余慕莲关照,直认曾是余慕莲“债仔”。黎彼得22年因冠状动脉再成形术(俗称“通波仔”,Percutaneous coronary intervention,PCI)后一直被“休息”,去年离巢TVB并进军YouTube界,主持节目《玖吸秘笈》。黎彼得与黄 ...
AngioDynamics announced today that it launched a new trial evaluating its AlphaVac F18 system in treating pulmonary embolism ...
Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) has proven lifesaving: Morbidity and mortality outcomes are significantly improved ...
87岁余慕莲(鱼毛姐)早前曾指有位男星欠债,她好心借钱给对方付医药费,最终很久才还清。而近日,曾有“鬼马填词人”之称的74岁黎彼得拍片就谈到入院时曾获余慕莲关照,直认曾是余慕莲“债仔”。黎彼得22年因冠状动脉再成形术(俗称“通波仔”,Percutan ...
2024 年 8 月 30 日~9 月 2 日,全球极具影响力的心血管学术会议——2024 年欧洲心脏病学会(ESC ...
Thousands of heart attack patients have been treated and saved in the decade since a start-of-the-art coronary service was ...
Arterial thrombosis is a dynamic process triggered by contact of the blood with an injured blood vessel wall or a medical ...
The following is a summary of “Angiography-versus wire-based microvascular resistance index to detect coronary microvascular ...