The Chinese government never allows any illegal or violent activities, and China has been and will continue taking effective ...
巴拿马运河(Panama ...
谈到中非关系,门杜说,中国和非洲是“同路人”,面对相同的挑战,即使处理方式不同,但目标一致,因此能风雨同舟、福祸与共。非洲的“乌班图”精神——仁爱和共享,与中国倡导的“人类命运共同体”高度契合。“百闻不如一见”,他希望非洲青年多来中国亲身体验,而中国青年也应亲自去非洲,增进双方了解,共同续写中非友好合作的新篇章。 (记者 王高飞 赵丽) ...
由西部国际传播中心打造的重庆首档国际传播融媒栏目《Let’s Meet》第35期特别节目《拓展机遇之路 共享美好未来》(上)于9月7日在重庆卫视播出。The first all-English international broadcast ...
Times are changing, and with that, interior design trends are evolving as well. 时代在变化,室内设计趋势也在不断发展。 If these interior design trends for 2024 can tell us anything about the upcoming year, then we’re mo ...
In the Paradox Museum, nothing makes sense and yet everything is totally real! And get this – from Thursday through Saturday ...
Typhoon Bebinca is most likely to make landfall between Pinghu in Zhejiang and Shanghai on Monday morning, according to meteorological authorities in Zhejiang.
The "debt trap" narrative promoted by Western powers against China "is highly hypocritical," Honduran Vice Foreign Minister Gerardo Torres told Xinhua in a recent interview on the sidelines of the ...
XI'AN, Sept. 11 (Xinhua) — Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, has urged developing a sense of reverence and affection for Chinese civilization and passing ...