The Russian government is currently considering whether to join OPEC, but it is premature to talk about any specific steps in this respect, Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov said Wednesday.
Known as the Bear of Hämeenkyrö (Hämeenkyrön karhu), Paavo Yrjölä was the son of a farmer and trained his whole career on the family farm with self-made equipment. Despite this, Yrjölä was the world’s ...
Nurmi was part of a talented group of Finnish athletes who were nicknamed the ‘Flying Finns’. He made his Olympic debut at the 1920 Antwerp Games. He took the competition by storm winning gold medals ...
On September 16, 2003, CSIS launched its Initiative for a Renewed Transatlantic Partnership. The Initiative is action- and future-oriented, multidimensional, and nonpartisan. It aims to produce a body ...
The foreign relations of Finland are the responsibility of the president of Finland, who leads foreign policy in cooperation with the government. Implicitly the government is responsible for internal ...
The title of doctor honoris causa is the University’s highest recognition. In recognition of the title recipient will receive a doctor's hat and a sword. Granting the title Titles are granted in ...
Paavo Tynell was prominent Finnish designer. His work with studio lighting brought him international acclaim, creating works characterized by their use of polished metals such as stainless steel and ...
2021: Played in 11 matches starting four of them... Picked up four points (two goals) while logging 429 minutes on the pitch... Logged a season-high 68 minutes for The Hall in the win over Delaware (8 ...
Deutsche Grammophon’s booklet note for this new recording arguably exaggerates the neglect of Franz Schmidt (1874-1939) and his four symphonies, but there’s no denying that this is a hugely ...