Singapore has banned two Malaysian-made food products described as weight loss aid after detecting prohibited substances in ...
The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) issued a warning on September 17 against consuming four weight loss products due to the ...
The Armed Forces Tribunal has set aside the sentence awarded by a general court martial (GCM) to a junior commissioned ...
The products claim to burn fat, lose weight effectively and suppress appetite, among other things. Read more at ...
The Armed Forces Tribunal has set aside the four-year rigorous imprisonment and dismissal from service awarded by a general ...
The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) has detected four food products that have been adulterated with banned substances that are ...
4款来自日本和马来西亚的网售瘦身产品含有违禁物质和强效药物成分,新加坡食品局已与关网络平台合作,删除有关商品信息,并向相关卖家发出警告。(新加坡食品局提供)(新加坡18日讯)4款在网络平台售卖的瘦身食品,测出含有违禁物质和强效药物成分,新加坡食品局下令商家停售,并劝请公众勿购买或服用这些产品。《联合早报》报道,食品局昨日发文告说,来自日本的两款产品“Sausando Slimming Coffee ...
(新加坡18日讯) 新加坡食品局发现4种在新加坡电商平台贩售的食品含有违禁或不得添加到食品的药物成分,下令业者立即停售产品并撤下广告。该局下令停售的4种产品分别是:来自日本的Sausando减肥咖啡和减肥茶,以及来自马来西亚的Unique Good ...
dilute acid is added from a burette to an alkali in a conical flask. The alkali contains a few drops of phenolphthalein indicator.