Leadbetter称,自己用与PS5 Pro性能接近的AMD Radeon RX 6800显卡模拟游戏运行《艾尔登法环》,而测试结果显示,如果保持类似“保真模式”运行游戏,帧数表现仍不太稳定。而游戏更适合在“性能模式”下锁60帧运行。
IT之家 9 月 18 日消息,经数月谈判,美商海盗船(Corsair)宣布已与 Endor AG 签署最终协议,收购模拟赛车外设公司 Fanatec Sim Racing 产品线,但并未公开此次收购的财务细节。
The Origin EON16-X is a powerful, highly customizable gaming laptop that doesn’t come cheap, but offers performance on par ...
The Origin EON17-X v2 is a monster of a gaming laptop in both performance and size (and price). And it comes with a large and ...
Corsair brands such as Scuf and Elgato are also included in the deal to provide exclusive PC gaming hardware, starting with ...
经过数月的谈判后,美国游戏外设厂商 Corsair 海盗船最终决定收购模拟赛车外设公司 Fanatec。海盗船此前曾与5 月宣布双方正在就交易进行谈判,并且在此期间会为 Fanatec 提供短期资金。公司并未公开此次收购的财务细节。海盗船首席执行官 ...
Call of Duty and Corsair have announced a multi-year partnership that will span a variety of Corsair-owned PC gaming brands, ...
《最终幻想16》PC版Steam页面现已开放预载,将于9月18日,也就是明天正式解禁,需要留出170 GB可用空间。 Steam页面>>> 《最终幻想16》描绘了因拥有强大召唤兽力量的“显化者”而引发战乱的时代,营造出沉重且宏伟壮阔的奇幻世界。追朔主角克莱夫·罗兹菲尔德的一生,在残酷的命运中寻找正义,逼近世界的真相…… ...
黎巴嫩真主党(Hezbollah)成员使用的呼叫器(俗称BB Call)17日集体爆炸,酿成9人死亡、近3000人受伤,CNN指出,这起行动是以色列情报局「摩萨德」及以色列军方共同策画的结果,真主党已誓言报復。另外《纽约时报》 ...
百货周年庆下半年陆续开打,许多业者赶在此前引进新柜打造独家亮点。京站小碧潭店引进日式咖哩饭知名品牌COCO壹番屋,消费还送小礼物等;大叶高岛屋糕点礼品区引进东京时尚的即食座位区「MACARON BLVD ...
This difficult decision in Star Wars Outlaws needs Kay Vess to choose between helping an Ashiga queen, or her rebellious ...
Issues delivered straight to your door or device Even if you're a bleeding heart softy who can't stomach an evil playthrough, they're worth a watch. If you're anything like me, you greeted the news of ...