The Olympus Tough TG-5 is available ... shooting, 4K video, and improved image quality. You can also record high-speed video, with FullHD video recording at 120fps possible. The camera offers ...
After the first 13 shots, the camera ... in Olympus OM-D cameras, and lets you see the image developing on the screen, and is particularly useful for light-painting or night photography. Video ...
2017 年 5 月,奥林巴斯 Tough ... TG-4 被奥林巴斯TG-6取代 奥林巴斯TG-5的优点和缺点 现在,让我们通过分析其规格和功能并列出与同类同类相机中的普通竞争对手相机相比的优缺点,来详细了解cameradecision的奥林巴斯 TG-5 评测。 奥林巴斯 TG-5 重量 250 克(0.55 磅/8. ...
and a lot of digital corrections applied to in-camera JPEGs. The Olympus TG-5's LCD monitor provided about 99% coverage at full wide angle and at full telephoto. This is very good performance ...
OM Digital Solutions recently discontinued the Olympus Tough ... primarily shooting video. But if you’re more into photography, then arguably a tough camera like the new TG-7 is your best ...
can be read as a noun meaning "earth" or "soil," or as an adjective meaning "earthy," "unrefined," or "uncouth." There is some disagreement about the origin of this term. Some say that TG derives ...
Most consumer digital cameras produce color ... For a collection of more pictorial photos, see our Olympus Tough TG-5 Photo Gallery . Not sure which camera to buy? Let your eyes be the ultimate ...
This is the product's overall performance score, based on key tests conducted by our industry experts in the CHOICE labs.
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When two QQ (instant messaging) companies, Tencent and 360, launched a bitter business dispute, Tencent wrote a letter to its users stating the company had made a "tough decision" to stop ...
东南网9月13日讯(海峡导报记者 孙春燕)随着暑期结束“神兽回笼”,厦门的“菜篮子”价格也迎来了新一波波动。昨日,导报记者走访市场发现,经过一段时间的调整,厦门生猪和蔬菜批发价均有所回落。但与此同时,鸡蛋价格直线上升。 菜肉走入下降行情 ...
8亿元、43.6亿元,同比分别增长44.1%、9.5%、13.5%。同期,出口劳动密集型产品734亿元,同比增长14.2%,占同期福建省对RCEP其他成员国出口总值的27.2%;主要以纺织服装、塑料制品为主,分别出口358.5亿元、149.7亿元,同比分别增长10.5%、50. ...