Nyingchi in Tibet, China, features low elevation, humid climate, and rich natural resources. Yet, in ancient times, it was once an exile destination due to its dense mountains, forests, and rivers, ...
On September 13th, the China (Guangdong) International Tourism Industry Expo (CITIE 2024) opened at Area A in the Canton Fair ...
景区位于林芝市巴宜区巴吉村,距离市政府驻地6公里,是离市区最近的“森林氧吧”,平均海拔在3000~3200米之间,属于温带湿润季风气候,全年雨量充沛、日照充足,冬季温和干燥,夏季湿润无高温,年平均气温8.5℃,气候宜人。 景区内众多的巨柏树也称 ...
根据用户访问量和点评量综合计算后得出 林芝自然博物馆是目前西藏自治区面积较大、功能较为齐全的自然博物馆。该馆以藏东南地区自然风貌和民风民俗为主要陈列内容,突出展示祖国大好河山的锦秀壮美,给人以知识的普及、心灵的震撼。
The latest addition to the network is a high-speed rail line linking Meizhou city with Longchuan county in southern China's Guangdong province. The 94-km railway, which began operations on Saturday, ...
贡觉县Gòngjué Xiàn གོ་འཇོ་རྫོང་། go 'jo rdzong Gonjo 类乌齐县Lèiwūqí Xiàn རི་བོ་ཆེ་རྫོང་། ri bo che rdzong Riwoqê 丁青县Dīngqīng Xiàn སྟེང་ཆེན་རྫོང་། steng chen rdzong Dêngqên 察雅县Cháyǎ Xiàn བྲག་གཡབ་རྫོང ...