A new study reveals that Generation 2 Starlink satellites are leaking up to 30 times more radio waves than their predecessors ...
The $1.6 billion mission is an extremely complicated engineering challenge and will make gravitational wave detections in ...
An algorithm that detects streaks of light in telescope images could help to counter a growing threat to astronomy.
An international team of astronomers reported in a study Wednesday that the second generation model of Starlink satellites is ...
In this episode, Dave Eicher describes the upcoming conjunction of two bright objects in the evening sky. On October 5th, you ...
A new astronomy discovery center at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff is near completion and our photojournalist Levi ...
A science education center is scheduled to open soon at the site of the mighty Arecibo telescope, and pilot phase programs ...
SpaceX's new Starlink satellites are so radio noisy that they could blind radio astronomy observatories to the universe's ...
人类寻找外星生命和文明主要有两大方式,一种是用诸如“中国天眼(FAST)”这样的射电望远镜来接收外星信号,还有一种是寻找太阳系外的宜居星球。 根据《天文学与天体物理学》(Astronomy & ...
Astronomy Photographer of the Year, the annual photo competition showcasing all things space, is back. Ed Bloomer, senior ...
NSF & the Simons Foundation will jointly fund two new National AI Research Institutes for astronomy. Each institute will ...
THOMASVILLE -- Oct. 12 is Astronomy Day, and Pebble Hill Plantation is offering a special program on the sun to celebrate.