the Provincial Association for Science and Technology. Keeping work relations with Lanzhou University, Northwest University for Nationalities, Lanzhou Branch of Chinese Academy of Sciences and ...
EEEP会议致力于为能源及环保领域内的专家学者提供一个良好的交流平台,让环境能源及相关领域的学者能够就自己的研究内容相互讨论,碰撞出新的灵感和火花。EEEP前七届会议均已顺利召开,累计约10个国家和地区的近500名专家学者参加会议,分享交流学术意见,学者反馈良好。继往开来,第八届能源工程与环境保护国际学术会议(EEEP2024)将于 2024 年 11 月 20-22 日在中国海口召开。
Lanzhou is a charming tourist city. Here, you can experience the unique customs of the northwest region and feel the historical, cultural, and natural scenery of this city. Whether you enjoy ...
During this summer, travel in Lanzhou has gone viral again. Especially the Zhongshan Bridge at night attract many tourists. The Zhongshan Bridge is thronged with visitors while the Jincheng Pass ...
322 国立研究大学高等经济学院 National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University) 俄罗斯 324 奥尔堡大学 Aalborg University 丹麦 324 林雪平大学 ...