新能源汽车行业早报三言科技汇总整理地平线正式登陆港交所地平线今日于香港交易所主板挂牌上市,募资总额达54.07亿港元,成为港股今年最大的科技IPO。上市首日,地平线机器人-W 开盘价报5.12港元,大涨28.32%招股书显示,地平线 ...
Drivers are finding it increasingly difficult to get their hands on new diesel cars as manufacturers have dramatically ...
“We're always listening to what our clients want,” said Scott Wallace, CEO of ECD Auto Design. “This built-for-inventory Land ...
Mattel's newest Elite 64 release is a step forward in the right direction. Even though it's more expensive than usual, it ...
The Land Rover Defender is a civilized take on traditional SUVs, giving up little in on-road driving dynamics while providing ...
Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) is facing legal backlash in the United States as owners of the 2020-2022 Land Rover Defender models ...
刚刚结束的巴黎车展,中国新能源汽车成为聚光灯下的C位。马克龙现场打卡、外企高管拿皮尺量车取经、展区的人潮汹涌,似乎让新能车“欧洲行”这件事变得乐观起来。往届国际车展,都是中国车企皮尺部主动出击。眼下的角色互换,难道真印证了那句“东升西落”?拿掉媒体滤 ...
A premium Land Rover Discovery Sport stolen from a British owner has been impounded by Russian police in deepest Siberia. The ...
提到捷豹路虎,相信很多人都不陌生。翻开捷豹路虎在中国的高管名单,会发现其内部不少高管都曾服务于一汽大众,他们 ...
EV conversion specialist Zero Labs is back with a reimagined all-electric design on the classic Land Rover Series 109.
本站采集路虎揽胜运动版混动全国真实成交价、优惠折扣、保值率等信息,助力消费者全方位了解新车市场行情,砍价更稳妥! 目前汽车保有量趋于 ...
In 2018, Chery officially launched its intelligent brand strategy—CHERY LION. In March 2019, Chery upgraded its intelligent ...