A three-judge Kentucky Court of Appeals panel denied a motion that sought to disqualify Louisville Rep. Nima Kulkarni from ...
A Louisville Democrat’s quest to remain in office has been upheld by Kentucky Court of Appeals. Earlier this summer, Kentucky ...
Franklin Circuit Judge Phillip Shepherd issued a ruling Monday afternoon that allows state Rep. Nima Kulkarni, a Louisville ...
For the past year, Kulkarni had noticed some gastrointestinal issues, but he suspected it was nothing more than irritable ...
Shrinivas Kulkarni won the 2024 Shaw Prize in Astronomy for his work on variable and transient astronomical objects. He spoke ...
少数族裔媒体服务中心 (Ethnic Media Services, EMS) 于 8 月 23 日组织了新闻发布会, 关注 “ 起诉仇恨犯罪的挑战 “ 。2023 年加州执法机构共报告了 1,970 起仇恨犯罪。但根据加州总检察长办公室的数据,只有 5 起真正进入审判阶段。2021 年当加州的仇恨暴力案件激增时,只有一起案件进入审判阶段。黑人是仇恨犯罪的主要目标,而犹太人、穆斯林和 LGBTQ ...
The speed at which LLMs have dominated industry creates evidence of substantial change, including the evolving role of the ...
Sachin Kulkarni took a good look at his life when he turned 40 and decided to get a checkup. After that, everything changed ...
一个或多个关节肿胀和压痛的病症。常见症状包括关节疼痛和僵硬。 原因取决于关节炎的类型-骨关节炎是由于随着年龄的增长,关节软骨的磨损引起的,而类风湿关节炎是一种自身免疫性疾病。 关节炎的症状包括关节疼痛和僵硬,运动困难等。 医生将检查关节 ...
2024年9月9日,哈佛医学院及Joslin糖尿病研究中心 (Joslin Diabetes Center)的Rohit N. Kulkarni教授团队在Cell Metabolism在线发表了题为m 6 A mRNA Methylation in Brown Fat Regulates Systemic Insulin Sensitivity via an Inter-Organ ...
MUMBAI: Prepare for a spellbinding journey into a chilling historical mystery with Sony LIV’s upcoming Marathi Original ...
量子计算公司Rigetti Computing, Inc.周一收到纳斯达克的通知,指出该公司不符合交易所的最低投标价格要求。该公司股票连续31个交易日收盘价低于1.00美元的最低投标价格,违反了纳斯达克上市规则5550(a)(2)。 纳斯达克的通知给予Rigetti 180天的期限,即截至2025年3月17日,以重新达到合规要求。在此期间,公司必须在连续十个交易日内保持至少1.00美元的收盘投标价 ...