Embark on a journey that blends spiritual exploration with stunning architecture by visiting some of the most beautiful temples in Hong Kong.
地藏菩萨在中国佛教诸菩萨中久负盛名,与观音、文殊、普贤合为中国佛教四大菩萨并称于世。地藏(Ksitigarbha),地,“住处”之意;藏,“含藏”之意。佛教中说,地藏受释迦牟尼的付嘱,在释迦既灭,弥勒菩萨未生成佛之间的无佛时代,自誓度尽六道众生 ...
The shocking scenes of Jiuhua 99 peaks you can feel as described by thepoet Libai ‘I look at Mount Jiuhua from distance while boating on Changjiang River, waterfall seems to be dropping from the ...
On the side walls are mural paintings of the 18 arhats, and in the corners images of Ksitigarbha and Maitreya. The entrance to the fifth courtyard is known as the Hall of Eternal Blessings ...
His hand sign is similar to Sukuna’s which represents Yama, the King of Hell. Yuji’s hand sign is that of Ksitigarbha, a reversed bodhisattva in East Asian Buddhism. Ksitigarbha, aka Jizo Bodhisattva ...
The Demon King of Confusion (混世魔王), is a demon king who seizes control of the Water Curtain Cave (水簾洞) when Sun Wukong left to learn magic from Subhuti. He chases away the primates and occupies the ...
Sukuna nears his end, pushed into a corner while Yuji steps up in the fight against him. Yuji awakens a domain expansion to ...