2.古埃及的凯布利(Khepri)雕像,存放在德国的埃及博物馆。凯布利是古埃及神话中的圣甲虫神,象征着早晨的太阳。 4.新时期时代的粘土雕像,在约旦附近的艾因加扎勒定居点出土,历史可追溯到公元前6750年—公元前6350年,标志着当时的人们已经有了一定水平的工艺制作能力。
The beetle or scarab represents the Egyptian god Khepri. Students could write a diary entry from the perspective of Howard Carter on the day he discovered Tutankhamun’s tomb. How would he feel?
The Egyptian beetle, or Scarabaeus sacer, is a dung beetle that lives in a variety of environments, from the desert to the ...
Dragonfly (powered by Anisoptera) won the  2024 FNF GreenPitch Challenge for their AI and IoT solutions for the waste ...
Dragonfly (powered by Anisoptera) was chosen as the winner of the 2024 FNF GreenPitch Challenge at the event hosted by ...
Early stage green SME Dragonfly emerged as the winner of the 2024 FNF GreenPitch challenge at a recent event hosted by ...
Waste management AI, machine vision and Internet of Things solutions developer Dragonfly has won the 2024 FNF GreenPitch Challenge. The early-stage company leverages these technologies to enable waste ...
Dragonfly (powered by Anisoptera) – an SMME that develops cutting-edge AI and IoT solutions for waste management companies to measure and manage their operations – has won the 7th annual FNF ...