In this paper we present a novel method of implementing these individual stages as a combined Interleaver and DeInterleaver. This is achieved by examining the transfer function of each of the ...
Interleaving is a technique commonly used in communication systems to overcome correlated channel noise such as burst error or fading. The interleaver rearranges ...
All channels pass through the component with an output from either one of the two ports. Mode B (interleaver mode): When switched from Mode A to Mode B, the device works as a standard instrument such ...
A general binary convolutional turbo encoder structure using two component encoders is illustrated in Figure 2.8 as an example. It consists of three basic building blocks: an interleaver II, the ...
Shingled, stacked, overlapped or with interleaver foil? With Weber technology, there are no limits to your ideas. Gestapelter Gouda in VerpackungHauchdünn geschnittener Käse rundgelegt Sustainable and ...