Visual artists from around the world have gathered in Guiyang, in Southwest China's Guizhou province, to explore its beauty. 近日,由中国日报社与贵州省委宣传部联合举办的2024“视觉@中国”贵州行活动在贵州省贵阳市正式启动。 The cultural event, titl ...
曾经韩国鸟叔的《江南Style》风靡全球,节奏感十足,融合了韩国传统音乐与现代舞曲的元素,以独特的节奏、夸张的舞蹈动作在全球引起了空前的音乐风暴。 严格来说,21世纪前五六年,韩国好歹还有I ...
Panda Waack (刘倩儿)上周六 (9 月 14 日)在香港文化中心露天广场出战街舞殿堂级赛事 Red Bull Dance Your Style 香港总决赛,于现场数以千计的观众见证下封后,11 月 9 ...
Get ready for Shanghai's biggest international newcomers party of 2024! This unmissable event, hosted by AnyHelper, and ...
This month (until September 28), they’re helping teachers take the edge off the start of the new semester by offering pizzas ...
As the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, Pudong is gearing up to celebrate with a series of cultural activities to mark the ...
第61届法兰克福国际车展于9月15日到25日隆重举行,法兰克福车展是全球五大车展之一,是德国车厂的传统主场,本届车展上,大众、奥迪、保时捷品牌将有多款车型首次亮相,而吉利汽车作为唯一受邀参展的自主品牌也将向德国观众展示五款新车,新浪汽车将全程为您现场 ...
(吉隆坡5日讯)VitaHealth与Watsons联合推出V-Style:这是一款为最佳恢复和保护而设计的突破性健身保健系列。此次独家发布会标志著他们在重新定义健康和积极生活的共同使命中的一个重要里程碑。V-Style系列产品在全国所有Watson ...
As the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, Guangzhou is set to launch nearly a thousand cultural and tourism activities, inviting ...
China's 144-hour visa-free transit policy has continued to fuel the popularity of "China Travel." Tianjin, a bustling port city with a unique blend of Western architecture and traditional Chinese cult ...
湘江河畔,月色如水。本次活动由序章《月涌湘江》拉开帷幕,《三湘秋韵》《故乡明月》《花好月圆》3个主题篇章徐徐展开。整场活动以“家”为主题主线,通过歌舞、飞花令、情景剧、音诗舞、花鼓小戏等形式表达爱家情感、展示建家成就、弘扬良好家风、引领文明乡风,体现中秋节“团结、团圆、文明、家国”的文化内涵。(来源:新湖南) On September 13, 2024, "Our Festival - Mid-A ...
As the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, the "Guangfu Yuehua Dream" Mid-Autumn Fair has officially kicked off on the Beijinglu Pedestrian Street. Running from September 9 to September 15, the event feat ...