Speaking on ‘Empowering Africa’s Youth’, Anika Altaf, PhD, Executive Director of INCLUDE Knowledge Platform, set the tone for ...
These views were canvased weekend by policymakers, youth leaders, civil society representatives, and international experts ...
Centric Policies" in African nations, and the need for young people's involvement in crafting and implementing low-carbon policies that resonate with their values, priorities, and aspirations.
Disclaimer: AlphaGalileo is not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to AlphaGalileo by contributing ...
The Premier League initiates a process against the great dominator of the league, accused of not complying with financial ...
According to reports, Man City players already have their agents 'exploring' a transfer away from the club 'amid the threat ...
Manchester City are going toe-to-toe with the Premier League over historic FFP allegations and their hearing in London ...
据报道,曼城球员的代表已经“考虑”离开阿提哈德球场,以应对“迫在眉睫的强制降级威胁”。 曼城队的听证会于周一开始,审查英超联赛对他们提出的 115 项指控,律师们抵达伦敦国际争端解决中心 (IDRC)。
Manchester City hearing set to begin – what is at stake? Manchester City lawyers arrived at London’s International Dispute ...
Follow live updates of Manchester City's legal hearing against the Premier League as the club attempts to clear their name of ...
Manchester City's long-awaited hearing into alleged breaches of the Premier League's financial regulations is set to begin on ...
MANCHESTER CITY LAWYERS arrived at London’s International Dispute Resolution Centre (IDRC) today as a hearing to examine 115 ...