Darwin's letters to his mentor John Stevens Henslow, a professor of botany at Cambridge University, were later read to the Cambridge Philosophical Society, and described his observations of ...
Reverend John Stevens Henslow, a 32-year-old professor of botany, becomes his idol and role model. Darwin spends so much time with Henslow that he is called "the man who walks with Henslow." ...
His Cambridge mentor, John Stevens Henslow, has recommended him to a Captain Robert FitzRoy for a two-year voyage around the world. Henslow writes: "[T]here never was a finer chance for a man of ...
He became good friends with John Stevens Henslow, who was a professor at Cambridge University. In September 1835, the Beagle arrived in the Galapagos Islands, 600 miles from Ecuador. Darwin made ...
Developed in exclusive collaboration with Cambridge University Botanic Garden (CUBG), the spirit, known as Curator's Gin, ...
His empirical instincts were further developed at the University of Cambridge through deep study under contemporary naturalists, such as John Stevens Henslow, founder of the Cambridge University ...
Natural Land Institute (NLI) is excited to announce that it closed Monday, Sept. 16, 2024 on the purchase of a 327-acre ...
The tours provide a good example of the opportunities available on game lands statewide, while showcasing how habitat work being done on these tracts benefits wildlife. All tours ...
Other wildlife species will thrive as well, such as the Eastern wild turkey, red-cockaded woodpecker, Northern bobwhite quail ...
Full of excitement about what he was discovering every day, Darwin wrote to his friend the Reverend Professor John Stevens Henslow about an octopus that could change colour. He believed he had ...
a Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship a Henslow Fellowship at Murray Edwards College and the University of Cambridge. The Independent is the world’s most free-thinking news brand ...